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This article may contain spoilers for those who have yet to complete the entirety of Roboquest. We get it, research is the key to victory, but perhaps consider if you want the game to have an element of surprise before you read on. If you're comfortable with the risk of being exposed to potential spoilers, read on!

Bosses are unique enemies found at the end of each area that the player transitions through. There are currently 6 bosses, divided into 3 categories. For strategies on how to beat each boss, please see the Guides & Strategies page.

Area Bosses

Early Bosses

Billy Boom
Billy Boom Transparent.png

Billy Boom is one of the three initial bosses the player can face. Billy Boom's arena is a circular room with a ring of lava around the outside, preventing the player from hugging walls. Billy Boom has two special mechanics - proximity detonation and self destruct.

Proximity detonation occurs when the player stays too close to Billy Boom for too long. When in the immediate vicinity of Billy Boom, a warning bar will slow increase at the top of the screen below the boss health bar which, once full, causes Billy Boom to explode, instantly killing the player. Self destruct is similar, but instead triggers when Billy Boom reaches around 1/5th of its health pool; in this state, Billy Boom will collapse to the ground and any damage dealt to it will increase the warning bar with the same effect as previously. The player can disarm Billy Boom by pulling the lever located on his back to continue the fight.


  • Palm missile - Fires a marginally homing rocket that slowly moves towards the enemy and deals explosive damage.
  • Shockwave Mortar - Billy Boom launches 3 mortar rounds that form expanding shockwaves on contact with the ground.
  • Laser Sweep - Fires 2 lasers that sweep back and forth once in front of Billy Boom in a 45 degree arc.
  • Slug - If the player is close to Billy Boom, it throws a wide punch that applies high impact to the player.
Diggy Mole
Diggy Mole Transparent.png

Diggy Mole is one of the three initial bosses the player can face. Diggy Mole's arena is a regular square with no notable features. Diggy Mole has a single unique mechanic in the form of burrowing. Burrowing allows Diggy Mole to dig underground to travel around the arena. In its underground state, Diggy Mole cannot be damaged by direct damage. However, any previously applied damage over time mechanics, such as Burn, will continue to damage Diggy Mole while underground until their timer expires.


  • Surprise Attack - Burrows underground and heads across various points in the arena, dropping three mines at each location it surfaces at.
  • Central Shockwave - Rises from the ground in the center of the arena and fires between 1 and 3 expanding shockwaves.
  • Charge - Rises from the ground and charges in a straight line as many as three times in a row, damaging any players in the way.
  • Turret Form - Rises in a corner of the arena and fires a 3 second burst of projectiles, up to two times.
Dr Turret
Dr Turret Transparent.png

Dr Turret is one of the three initial bosses the player can face. Dr Turret's arena is a rgular square with no notable features. Dr Turret is one of two bosses that does not have a unique mechanic specific to its fight, with the other being Judgeball.


  • Ankle Biter - Fires a straight laser at the players foot height and rapidly spins in circles.
  • The Floor Is Lava - Dr Turret sprays the floor in a flaming hot liquid that covers a 60 degree radius of the arena and hurts the player when stepped in.
  • Triangulation - Fires 3 lasers in a triangle that all move to convene to a single spot in front of Dr Turret.
  • Orbital Strike - Dr Turret fires a laser into the sky that locks onto the player's current location and lands on that point 2 seconds later.

Midgame Bosses

Sir Catercoaster
Sir Catercoaster Transparent.png

Sir Catercoaster is one of two midgame bosses the player can currently face. Sir Catercoaster's arena is a unique, tall 2 chamber arena seperated by 4 doorways; 2 walkthrough archways and 2 tall rail archways. Sir Catercoaster has 3 unique mechanics; rail travel, rising magma and security doors.

Rail travel is Sir Catercoaster's identity mechanic; Sir Catercoaster is rail-bound, meaning its movement is locked in a single direction along a predtermined looping rail system that twists between the two arena chambers. The player can also ride this rail to avoid the two other unique mechanics. Rising Magma is a simple time limiter mechanic, where magma rises from the grates at the bottom of the arena slowly until the two platforms either side of the arena are fully submerged. Security doors is a simple mechanic that places a laser grid across the walkthrough archways while Sir Catercoaster has recently changed chamber.


  • Rocket Barrage - Launches 2 homing missiles towards the player, moving at a moderate speed.
  • Accelerate! - Catercoaster briefly charges forward on the rail, applying high impact to any players in the way.
  • Tripmine Trap - Deploys a mine behind the Catercoaster on the rail.
  • Turret Toss - Catercoaster launches a capsule in a straight line towards a wall. After a few seconds, the capsule breaks and spawns a stationary laser turret that shoots at the player.
Judgeball Transparent.png

Judgeball is one of two midgame bosses the player can currently face. Judgeball's arena is a large square room, though a circular forcefield traps the player to a limited portion of it. Judgeball is one of two bosses that does not have a unique mechanic specific to its fight, with the other being Dr Turret.


  • Laser Trap - Fires 2 deployable magnet turrets that trap players in their vicinity, then slowly moves towards the player firing a laser against the ground
  • Shield Generator - Fires 2 deployable shield generators. While either generator is alive, Judgeball is immune to damage.
  • Spike Charge - Judgeball temporarily grows spikes and charges at the player.
  • Spin-To-Win - Judgeball flips upside down and floats around the arena, shooting a large number of mines in all directions.
  • All-Out Artillery - Judgeball deploys an all-out frontal offensive; fires 2 vertical laser lines, 2 additional bullets, shockwaves and mines in the direction of the player.

Late Game Bosses

Beetle Royale
Beetle Royale Transparent.png

Beetle Royale is currently one of two final bosses the player faces at the end of every run. Beetle Royale has a unique multi-layered arena, with 3 floors the player can fall through, each made up of a 3x3 grid of destructable floor tiles. Beetle Royale's unique mechanic ties into this arena by utilizing its Demolition move, detroying more and more floor tiles the longer the fight continues. If the player falls through the hole left after a tile has been destroyed, all other tiles on the floor are demolished and the player must continue the fight on the next floor down. Beneath the final floor is an acid pit, causing constant damage to players who step in it.


  • Spinning Top - Charges towards the player while spinning in circles, dealing constant damage when making contact.
  • Reinforcements - Fires 5 capsules that stick to the wall. After 5-10 seconds, the capsules break and span 3 small flying enemies and 2 seeking mine enemies.
  • Demolition - Fires a large, slow moving missile towards one of the 9 floor platforms, destroying the platform on contact.
  • Bombing Run - Beetle Royale flies in straight and diagonal lines around the arena, dropping lines of mines as it flies beneath it.
  • Laser Barrage - Beetle Royale strafes in front of the player, firing a selection of the following laser types: 2 horizontal lasers above the player, 2 vertical lasers either side of the player, 3 vertical lasers straight towards the player or 3 horizontal layers towards the players feet.
Uncle Jim
Uncle Jim Transparent.png

Uncle Jim is currently one of two final bosses the player faces at the end of every run. Much like Catercoaster, Uncle Jim remains on rails during his fight, with his arena consisting of climbing central platforms and a rotating corkscrew track around the exterior circle of the arena. Uncle Jim's attacks are coordinated towards the center of the map and the player.


  • Gatling Burst - Fires a burst of rapid firing projectiles towards the center pillar for 5 seconds.
  • Charge Beam - Charges a laser for 1 second, then unleashes a large beam towards the player that slowly tracks them.
