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Criticals is a catch-all term to describe the auto-critical chance, critical hit locations and critical damage aspects of Roboquest.

Critical Hits

Critical hits are applied when you attack an enemy's weakpoint, which are often seen as red glowing spots. Some enemies however do not have weakpoints.

Critical hits by default deal 1.25x damage, or 25% increased damage. However, some weapons have an increased critical multiplier, and critical hit damage can be increased by specific perks and affixes.

Some perks can modify critical hits to be significantly more powerful, like adding ricochets, have a chance for super crits, or making defeated enemies explode.

Auto-Critical Hits

Some Perks and affixes can add autocrit. This means that all damage you do has a chance to critically hit enemies even when you do not hit their weakpoint.

However, if autocrit is rolled as an affix on your weapon, it will only affect the weapon, and if a perk of item specify the autocrit to only apply to a specific damage source, only that source will be affected.