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The year is 2700. Humans live scattered through the desert, struggling to survive. It’s looking pretty bleak.

Until a young scavenger girl named Max stumbles across something that may help. An old Guardian robot, lying abandoned in the sand. She reactivates him, knowing that with a Guardian by her side, she may be able to give mankind a fighting chance…

Together, the two begin to explore the mysterious canyons that surround them, searching for answers and a way to survive.

There’s just one problem. The canyons are crawling with badbots, determined to stop them from advancing. But who’s controlling them? And what are they guarding within?

Roboquest is a fast-paced roguelite FPS created by RyseUp Studios hailing from Lyon, France.

Important articles
Wiki community

Feel free to contribute to the Roboquest Wiki in your own time; with community contributions, the content can and will become more complete, more accurate and more refined! You can start by clicking the EDIT button at the top of any existing page to add to content being worked on, or if you believe a page is missing you can Add a new page by following the instructions in this link!

A message on behalf of the moderation team...

Hello! Thanks for visiting the Roboquest Fandom Wiki. This wiki is in collaboration with the community, development team at RyseUp and the wonderful people working on the Notion Wiki; please visit the Notion Wiki for more in-depth explorations into game mechanics! All information on this wiki has been sourced by the aforementioned parties and we strive for accuracy, so please engage if you spot something wrong! We hope you find what you need, and if you don't or need to report something, help can be found in the #wiki-editing channel on the official Discord server, linked below. Continue blasting forward!

Recent news
The Autumn Update was released, with loads of new content along with it! Across new enemies, weapons, affixes, items and perks, there's lots of work for the team to get the wiki back up to date. Over the coming weeks, new information should start to appear. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience! As always, any contributions you can make are greatly appreciated, and below you will find a hitlist of data we're still after that you may be able to contribute - either upload it yourself to the wiki or send the information to Astonop#2349 on Discord and we'll get it up pronto.

Information Hitlist:

  • New class perks for Commando and Engineer
  • New enemy screenshots
  • New enemy attack descriptions
  • All enemy spawn locations
  • Categorized basecamp upgrade data (costs and names in column order)