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Roboquest contains many movement techniques that allow the player to navigate levels with ease. These techniques can be modified through gadgets and buyable items to perform attacks or extend their capabilities.

Horizontal Movement

Walk: The player can walk in 8 directions using WASD. (Default keybind)

The player walks at 1000 cm/s by default.

Run: The player can sprint in 3 directions: forward, forward left, and forward right. It is significantly faster than walking.

The player runs at 1525 cm/s by default.

Crouch: The player can press CTRL (Default keybind) to crouch when standing still, which lowers their profile.

The player crouches at 825 cm/s by default.

Slide: By pressing CTRL (Default keybind) while moving, you can slide. You can slide in 8 directions. When sliding, you slide for a short distance with high speed and a lowered profile, then automatically crouch when the slide is complete.

Sliding is slightly faster than running. Elevation does not affect distance of a slide (e.g. downhill slopes will not make you slide longer.) Your movement is locked in one direction while sliding, but can be cancelled by jumping or by no longer holding CTRL.

The player slides at 1925 cm/s, which is rapidly slowed down back to 1000 cm/s.

Grinding: By getting on top of a rail, you will automatically start grinding in whichever direction you had the most momentum when getting on top of the rail with. You can also increase your speed when grinding by sprinting. You can crouch when grinding. Grinding cannot be controlled, automatically moving you in one direction. You can cancel grinding by jumping.

The player grinds at Xkmph by default.

The player runs while grinding at Xkmph by default.

Vertical Movement

Jump: The player can jump using the SPACEBAR. (Default Keybind) You can preserve momentum when sliding by jumping near the end of it.

The player can jump 4.5~ meters vertically.

Double Jump: The player can jump again when in the air once. Your Double Jump is immediately recharged once hitting the ground.

The player can jump in the air 5~ meters vertically.

Air Strafe: The player can strafe in the air using WASD. (Default keybind) You can change your direction or slow yourself down in the air using air strafing. Airstrafing can give you some momentum.

The player air strafes at Xkmph by default.

Headbonk: The player can jump on an enemies head, dealing X damage. (Level 3, scales 25% additively every level)

The player headbonks 4.5~ meters vertically.

Special Movement

Mega-Jump: By equipping the Pogostick gadget, you unlock the ability to do a massive jump after crouching for Xs.

The player can mega jump 12~ meters vertically.

Triple Jump: By equipping the Rocket Pants gadget, you unlock the ability to jump a third while in the air.

Fly: By equipping the Jetpack gadget, you can fly in the air. Flying consumes fuel. When not flying, you will slowly recharge fuel. Flying is horizontal, but becomes more vertical for the longer you hold down SPACEBAR. (Default keybind) ​


A value of 1000 equals around 4.25 meters in vertical height from a jump. ​ The jump value is around 1060.

The double jump value is around 1175. ​ The mega-jump value is around 2800.