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Affixes are modifiers that can be applied to weapons to alter their performance, mechanics and occasionally add new mechanics. Affixes are divided into 4 categories; Preset, Green, Blue and Alt-Fire. Elements are also counted as affixes.

Base affixes are affixes that are always found on certain weapon types without fail. Green and Blue affixes are functionally the same; they are affixes randomly generated from the pool of modifier affixes that may modify the performance and projectile mechanics of a weapon, with the only difference being the number of each on a given weapon based on rarity. Alt-Fire affixes are a form of affix that adds a secondary mode of attack to applicable weapons with various different effects, selected from a pool of applicable affixes.

The chance of finding a weapon with affixes can be increased through both upgrading the Basecamp and through certain Gadgets.

Affixes by Category

Exclusive Base Affixes

Affixes that exclusively exist on some weapons.

Effect Present
Amplifier Consecutive hits against the same enemy deals 10% increased damage up to 40% Pulsar Rifle, Mine Launcher
Explosive Projectiles are explosive Buffalo Cannon, Beluga Cannon, Volcano Rifle, Flare Gun, Comet Cannon, Mine Gun, Dual Boomsticks, Dragoon Mortar, Pulsar Rifle, Patator, Thumper, Torpedo Rifle
Ballista Projectiles bounce and pierce enemies Meteor Cannon, Mantis Crossbow, Hornet Bow
Brawl Deals melee damage and takedowns drop one more healing cell The Shovel, Shredder, Power Fists, Tomahawk
Dual Bonus movement speed is added as damage Dual Boomsticks, Dual Stingers, Dual Rascals, Dual Uzis, Power Fists, Dual Vipers, Dual Hellions, Dual Sawed-Offs, Dual LMGs, Ionic Palms
Heavy -25% movement speed while shooting Kangaroo Sentry, Meteor Cannon, Buffalo Cannon, Blast Minigun, Shredder, Beluga Cannon, Flak Cannon, Meteor Cannon, Junk Beam, Kramer, Light SMG, Minigun, Dragoon Mortar, Patator, Shock Cannon, Sulfator Shotgun, Behemoth Shotgun
Mark Projectiles mark enemies hit, increasing the damage they take Flare Gun
Shatter Adds +30% damage against frozen enemies. Arctic Rifle
Sidekick Takedowns pocket reload all other weapons Buddy Bot, Fox Gun, Blast Pistol, Assault Pistol
Wreck Efficient against multiple enemies Grandmas Shotgun, Behemoth Shotgun
Windup Adds +80% firerate over 1s while shooting Bubble Splasher, Minigun, Sulfator Shotgun, Windmill Rifle

Base Affixes

Affixes that always exist on some weapons, but can also spawn elsewhere.

Effect Present
Buckshot Adds a 15% chance to fire a shotgun blast Tommy Gun
Bounce Projectiles bounce off of surfaces Blast Gun, Blast Rifle, Blast Shotgun, Blast SMG, Blunderbuss, Bubble Splasher, Buddy Bot, Dual Crossbows, Flak Cannon, Rifle Crossbow, Throwing Knife, Thumper
Explosive Triggers an explosion every two shots

(Required amount of shots to trigger explosion depends on weapon)

Sheriff Carbine
Cryo Deals cryo damage. Cryo Cannon, Cryo Launcher
Burn Deals burn damage. Fire Gun, Fire Launcher, Kramer
Shock Deals shock damage. Shock Cannon, Shock Rifle
Overclocking +25% damage above 50% energy gauge Junk Beam, Blast Rifle
Pierce Projectiles pierce enemies Blast Crossbow, Cyclone
Seeker Projectiles are homing Typhoon Minigun, Igniter Gun, Ionic Palms, Torpedo Rifle, Pulsar Rifle
Ticking Projectiles deal damage over time Laser Saw

Green Affixes

Weaker Affixes that always spawns on weapons of Uncommon (Green) and Fantastic (Gold) rarity weapons, with a high spawnrate on Superior (Blue) and Epic (Purple) weapons.

Effect Compatible
Cadence +10% fire rate All Weapons
Last Last shot deals +100% damage All Weapons
Neat +20% accuracy and +20% range All Weapons
Prime +30% first shot damage All Weapons
Surprise +10% auto-critical chance All weapons
Knock +15% impact Non-Elemental Weapons
Blaze +15% additional burn damage over time Weapons With Burn
Magma Now applies impact Weapons With Burn (?)
Volt Applies shock 10% faster Weapons With Shock
Nitro +15% explosion radius Explosive Weapons
Thick +10% damage but -15% explosion radius Explosive Weapons
Armored Adds +10% armor while in the player's hand Heavy Weapons
Big-Mag +50% magazine size Magazine Weapons
Quickload +15% reload speed Magazine Weapons
Solar +15% energy gauge size Energy Weapons
Cooler +15% reload speed Energy Weapons
Unstable +10% damage but +10% energy cost per shot Energy Weapons
Lively +30% charge Speed Charge Weapons
Puncture +50% damage to each enemy pierced Weapons with Ballista or Pierce
Sharp +10% critical damage Weapons that can deal Critical Damage
Deft +15% critical damage while scoping Weapons with Scope
Loaded +1 alt-fire charge Alt-fire Weapons

Blue Affixes

Stronger Affixes that always spawns on weapons of Superior (Blue) quality or higher.

Effect Compatible
Buckshot Adds a 15% chance to fire a shotgun blast All Weapons
Bullseye +30% critical damage after applying a critical hit All Weapons
Lucky +20% auto-critical chance All Weapons
Ricochet 30% chance to ricochet dealing 75% of initial damage All Weapons
Freewheel 15% chance to fire twice All Weapons
Warmup +25% fire rate over 1s while shooting All Weapons
Javelin 15% chance to fire a critical laser ray All Weapons
Burn Deals burn damage Non-Elemental Weapons
Cryo Deals cryo damage Non-Elemental Weapons
Shock Deals shock damage Non-Elemental Weapons
Fragments 35% chance to fragment into 3 projectiles Explosive Weapons
Megaboom 15% chance to trigger a bigger explosion Explosive Weapons
Overclocking +25% damage above 50% energy gauge Energy Weapons
Bounce Projectiles bounce off of surfaces Non-Ballista Weapons
Pierce Projectiles pierce enemies Non-Ballista Weapons
Explosive Triggers an explosion every 2-5 shots

(Required amount of shots to trigger explosion depends on weapon)

Non-Area Weapons
Seeker Projectiles are homing Non-Hitscan Weapons
Spiky Hitting weak spots deals critical damage Non-Critical weapons
Hitscan Projectiles instantly hit Non-Hitscan Weapons
Turbo -25% alt-fire cooldown Alt-fire Weapons
Thunder 15% chance to deal shock damage and +15% damage Thumper, Kramer, Fire Gun
Shard 15% chance to deal cryo damage and +15% damage Thumper, Kramer, Fire Gun
Comet 15% chance to deal burn damage and +15% damage Windmill Rifle

Exclusive Base Alt-Fires

Alt-Fires that always exclusively exist on some weapons.

Effect Specifics Cooldown
Detonator Detonates all mines. 0 seconds Mine Gun
Sentry Deploys a combat turret lasting 15s. 8 seconds Assault Sentry

Base Alt-Fires

Alt-Fires that always exist on some weapons, but can also be found on other weapons.

Effect Cooldown
Specifics Present
Scope Activates scope and zooms in. 0 seconds Arquebus, Scout Sniper, Blast Sniper, Elite Sniper

Upgraded Base Alt-Fires

Weapons with a Base Alt-Fire can occasionally have an alternate version of it's Alt-Fire. Upgraded Base Alt-Fires are guaranteed on Fantastic weapons that already had an existing Base Alt-Fire.

Effect Specifics Cooldown
Charging Scope Scope Scope and charge to increase next shot damage. 0 seconds Arquebus, Scout Sniper, Blast Sniper, Elite Sniper
Walking Sentry Sentry Deploys a mobile combat sentry lasting 15 seconds. 8 seconds Assault Sentry
Jump Detonator Detonator Detonates all mines. If you have no mines, triggers an explosion propelling you into the air instead. Also deals 65 damage in a large radius around yourself. 5 seconds Mine Gun


Alt-Fires that belong to no specific weapon. They may randomly spawn on weapons.

Effect Specifics Cooldown
Arc Wave Fires a long range piercing and bouncing arc. Deals 66 damage 6 seconds
Barrier Deploys a protective barrier 12 seconds
Booster Activate to increase fire rate and reload speed for a short duration Increases firerate and reload speed by 50% for 6 seconds 12 Seconds
Bullet Hail Fires a shotgun blast. 6 seconds
Can Opener Performs a melee attack. Takedowns drop one additional healing-cell. Deals 60 damage in a rectange which can hit multiple targets 3 seconds Grandma's Shotgun
Charging Scope Scope and charge to increase next shot damage. Damage amplified by 66% over 2 seconds 0 seconds Revolver
Explosive Bolt Fires an explosive arrow 6 seconds Longbow
Flak Grenade Fires an explosive grenade. 6 seconds
Hoverball Fires a sticking orb dealing damage over time. Deals 10 damage 10 times in a 2m radius over 3 seconds 6 seconds
Mega Orb Fires a giant sticking explosive orb which can be detonated with primary fire. 2 shots every 7 seconds
Rocket Jump Triggers an explosion propelling you into the air. 6 seconds
Sentry Deploys a combat turret lasting 15 seconds. 8 seconds
Sonar Shot Fires an explosive shot marking enemies hit. 6 seconds
Sticking Grenades Fires a sticking explosive Grenade. Deals 65 damage in a 2.5m radius 6 seconds
Sticking Mines Fires a volley of sticking explosive mines. 6 seconds
Unstable Ray Fires a long range shot. Triggers an explosion on takedown. 6 seconds
Missile Blast Fires 2 explosive missiles. Deals 40 damage 2 times in a 2m radius 6 seconds Dual Wield Weapons
Missile Barrage Fires a volley of explosive missiles. Deals 20 damage 6 times in a 0.7m radius 6 seconds Melee Weapons


All damage numbers shown on the page are for the weapon at level 1.

Alt-Fires can randomly spawn on all but common weapons. However, Fantastic weapons are guaranteed to have an Alt-Fire.

Bouncing and explosive weapons are most effective when shooting at enemies feet.